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When consumers are not sick, they use video-on-demand tools like YouTube to learn new things and services like Netflix for entertainment. Harness the power of video to improve the experience for patients and clinicians and drive better clinical outcomes. 

Mytonomy is a leader in enterprise cloud solutions for video-based patient engagement and education. We create efficiencies for doctors and nurses by streaming short, broadcast-quality patient education videos that help patients stay on track throughout their care journey.   

Mytonomy Cloud for Healthcare is a SaaS platform that can be fully integrated with all major EMRs and CRM, covering 100+ conditions with 2500+ episodes that can be rapidly customized to each hospital, all delivered via a single engagement platform. The experience can be white-labeled to reflect your brand.

With Mytonomy, you can:

  • Bring back surgical volumes through faster shared decision making
  • Improve engagement and return time to your clinicians
  • Expand access to trusted resources and clinically-vetted information
  • Increase patient satisfaction scores

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