Analytics Cloud

Discover Deeper Insights About Your Healthcare Consumers, Patients, and Populations

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Patient & Population-Level Metrics

The Mytonomy Analytics Cloud seamlessly integrates with the Mytonomy Cloud for Healthcare, including the Patient Experience Cloud™, Content Cloud, and Communications Cloud, to uncover actionable insights about video viewership behavior. Analytics Cloud helps healthcare professionals better understand which courses and content their patients are reviewing.

Analytics Cloud securely gathers analytics about how your patients engage with video content so you can make data-driven decisions about ongoing services, patient satisfaction and experience, marketing information, and more.


25 mins

average time spent watching videos per session

7x more views

compared to non-personalized health education videos


viewership compliance for pre-procedure patients

analytics cloud_people on devices

Location & Service Line Analysis


Compare your patients’ viewership patterns to help tailor offerings


Measure effectiveness of marketing communications and campaigns based on your audience’s engagement and results

analytics cloud_people on devices

Location & Service Line Analysis


Compare your patients’ viewership patterns to help tailor offerings


Measure effectiveness of marketing communications and campaigns based on your audience’s engagement and results

analytics cloud_doctor computer

Viewership Metrics


Gain visibility into how your patient education modules are being utilized


Generate administrative reports that inform decisions regarding ongoing service improvements

analytics cloud_doctor computer

Viewership Metrics


Gain visibility into how your patient education modules are being utilized


Generate administrative reports that inform decisions regarding ongoing service improvements

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Population Health Analysis


Measure individual patient compliance with virtual classes


Understand which content works best across various cohorts, including where, when, and how patients engage, and more

analytics cloud_man holding phone

Population Health Analysis


Measure individual patient compliance with virtual classes


Understand which content works best across various cohorts, including where, when, and how patients engage, and more

Make Data Driven Decisions

Analytics Cloud helps you deliver continuous improvement to your patient engagement products and services. Reduce care delivery-related costs by measuring the level of engagement your patients have with various virtual classes and the effectiveness of your outbound communications in driving procedure volume.

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health systems

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